Using page content stored in Wordpress in another PHP/HTML page : How to

Sometimes I’ve needed to have page content stored in Wordpress so the users/client can easily edit the html content but display it in another non-Wordpress php/html website

Below is a simple way to grab Wordpress content and add it to your site


    require( 'wp/wp-load.php' );
    require( 'wp-content.php' );
<!-- add all you html here etc.. -->
       //print the page title using the Wordpress page ID
       echo get_the_title('190');
       //print the page content using the Wordpress page ID
       echo getPageContent('190');


        function getPageContent($pageId)
            global $wpdb;
            $sql_query = 'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM ' . $wpdb->posts .
            ' WHERE ' . $wpdb->posts . '.ID=' . $pageId;
            $posts = $wpdb->get_results($sql_query);
                foreach($posts as $post)
                    return $post->post_content;

Also install the disable auto format plugin to disable the way wordpress formats stored html

Justin Kelly

Justin Kelly

Data Engineeer, Business Analytics, Web Developer, Library Technology specialising in PHP and Tableau

Based in Melbourne, Australia

Feel free to contact me or _justin_kelly