Importing CSV files into MySQL from the Linux command line

Every so often I need to bulk import csv type files into MySQL and I forgot the process. Here are the steps for a simple csv into MySQL.

Assuming you have a csv file with contents like below (with no headings line)


Ensure the mysql-client is installed and use the mysqlimport command. Refer below for a detailed example.

mysqlimport  --fields-terminated-by=, --verbose --local -u root -p mysql-database-name mysql-table-name.csv


  • --fields-terminated-by is the delimited
  • --local indicates that the csv or file is on your local file system
  • -u is the MySQL user
  • -p prompts for the MySQL password
  • mysql-database-name replace this with the name of your database
  • mysql-table-name the name of the csv file needs to match the target MySQL table name, the extension doesn’t matter. This can also include the file path at the start ie. /var/www/session.csv

If your csv has a headings row (such as example below) you can added the option --ignore-lines=1 to skip that line

user_id, session_id

If the import works you’ll see a similar output to below, the number inf Records should match the lines in the csv, just watch for the numbers in Skipped and Warning to ensure all rows were imported - these should be 0

Enter password: 
Connecting to localhost
Selecting database users
Loading data from LOCAL file: session.csv into session
users.session: Records: 58918  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
Disconnecting from localhost

Justin Kelly

Justin Kelly

Data Engineeer, Business Analytics, Web Developer, Library Technology specialising in PHP and Tableau

Based in Melbourne, Australia

Feel free to contact me or _justin_kelly