How to fix Ubuntu unlock wireless/Gnome keyring issues

Even if you manage to get wireless/wifi working fine in Ubuntu, one annoying issue (if you have auto login set) will be that the ‘Gnome keyring’ will keep prompting you for a password every time you login or wake from hibernation - so that it could connect to my Wi-Fi network.

The solution is simple but one you shouldn’t have to worry about:

  • Right click the Network Manager icon in your panel
  • Select Edit Connections, and switch to the Wireless tab
  • Select the connection you want to work with and click the Edit button
  • Check the boxes for Connect Automatically and Available to all users.

Justin Kelly

Justin Kelly

Data Engineeer, Business Analytics, Web Developer, Library Technology specialising in PHP and Tableau

Based in Melbourne, Australia

Feel free to contact me or _justin_kelly